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We pride ourselves on being your trusted resource for all things related to life over 40, but we also like to consider ourselves your digital girlfriend. And we take that very seriously.

You’re intelligent, savvy, and wise beyond words, and we take every effort to ensure that our words match your moxie.

That’s why we diligently pour over the latest stats, emerging data, and recent research to equip you with the knowledge most relevant to your lifestyle. We care as much about stylish shoes and face masks as we do about hot flashes and IRAs.

And we’ve learned that some topics demand more space than one article.

We’ve dispatched our editorial team to go down the rabbit hole of these vital subjects, mine the data, and package their findings into engaging, digestible, and most importantly, actionable resources.

Our Guidebooks are…

→ Crafted to inspire, guide, and educate you on essential topics.
→ Meticulously researched and value-rich (no fluff, ever, and that’s a promise).
→ Chock-full of actionable tips, resources, and guidance to make your life easier.
→ Fun to read and worthy of a time slot in your busy day.

Because here’s the truth, ladies, the information we’re sharing isn’t available in one spot anywhere else. You deserve the best, and that’s what you’ll find in our guides.