Paula Hagan Bennett, Author at Finer Things

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15 Best Comedy Movies to Watch with Your Partner

Face it: we've all been cozying up for more Netflix with our significant others lately.
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The Pros and Cons of Tiny Home Living +20 Great Floor Plans

I have a confession. I’m a tiny house junkie.  I’ve always had some odd, time-wasting fixation that the internet is ...
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Tips on How to Prevent Hair Loss That Will Save Your Hair

Some women want to lose 10 lbs while others desire bigger breasts. But for me? The one thing I always ...
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28 Best Comedy Movies to Watch for Girl’s Night!

Why go out when you can stay in with your girlfriends and let the good times roll?
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My Sister is Dating a Gold Digger: How to Help Her

“She take my money, when I’m in need, yeah, she’s a triflin’ friend indeed… oh, she’s a gold digger.” Or ...

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